WEYDEN ROGIR VAN DER – Christ the Redeemer, the Mother of God and St. John the Evangelist, with Saints John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene on the side panels. Known as the Triptych of the Braque family. (fragment) Louvre (Paris)
Louvre – WEYDEN ROGIR VAN DER - Christ the Redeemer, the Mother of God and St. John the Evangelist, with Saints John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene on the side panels. Known as the Triptych of the Braque family. (fragment)
Tal vez sea un cuadro de una mujer que sostiene una taza en la mano derecha y un pájaro en el brazo izquierdo, con un paisaje en segundo plano detrás de ella.
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WEYDEN ROGIR VAN DER - Christ the Redeemer, the Mother of God and St. John the Evangelist, with Saints John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene on the side panels. Known as the Triptych of the Braque family. (fragment) — Louvre (Paris)
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